1·How to find element from the understory light, only to dust for Lo Lin.
2·To find elements, use the one element every well-formed XML document is guaranteed to have: the root element.
3·Not only did you find out much more about a country than when traveling by train or plane, but there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night.
4·To find a specific element, you use its name as in Listing 3.
要找到一个特定的元素,您会使用它的名称,如 清单 3 所示。
5·This process can go on until you find the exact element you want to operate on.
6·Find the element in the configuration document.
7·Frequency distributions of element combinations may find compound elements that do uniquely determine the data.
8·Sir Ken robinson-author of "The element," a book on how to find work that you're passionate about-argues that your tribe is essential in helping you to find your element.
9·When you look at the blockbuster television and movie competition, you'll find a pretty common element here, too: story.
10·I've got to count my way down, which means that the access would be linear in the length of the list to find the I 'th element of the list, and that's going to increase the complexity.